Friday, July 20, 2012

Minutes of the first meeting

As of right now I Chelsee am writing the minutes. The founding member, Sydney told me that until the secretary is elected that I am to keep track of everything that happens; I am not running for office which is why Sydney said that I will take them until the vote will be taken.
"Now let's take a vote." Sydney said.
"everyone right down who you would like to vote for each position. your choices for presidential candidates are Brooke, and I, Sydney. please write down your vote for president now." Sydney said.
"is everyone finished?" Brooke says the next minute.
we move on to the next vote.
"Now we will move on to the next election." Sydney said.
Christian and Tiffany come up to the front of the room.
"Now please write down on your ballot your preference for vice president." Tiffany said.
"Your choices are either Tiffany, or me, Christian." Christian said.
everyone finished their votes and we moved on to the next election.
The nominees running for treasurer move to the front of the room, Christian and Tiffany return to their seats.
same as the other elections Darrell and Alyson ask us to write our vote for who we want to be our treasurer.
everyone writes down their choice and we move on to secretary.
the same thing happens with the secretary election. we either will choose Vanessa or Zack for that position.
Sydney and Brooke come to the front of the room and tell everyone they are going to count the votes for the presidential position.
Brooke stood at the front of the room and announced. "Sydney has won the presidential election."
 then Sydney came to the front of the room and thanked us all for our votes. She then announced Christian was our vice president, Darrell was the treasurer, and Vanessa was the secretary. She will now take the rest of the notes.
All of the officers that were elected including myself went to the front of the room and thanked everyone.
the meeting is almost over.
Sydney comes to the front of the room.
"I know that the elections have consumed most of this meeting, however. I would like to set some goals for next week. We will have a discussion next week about what would be good new technologies that would come extremely popular and are plausible to happen in the future. I would like everyone to prepare a discussion on that topic and Christian will chose someone randomly to share their ideas. As far as fundraisers go, we will have one as soon as possible and hopefully we will decide next week what kind of fundraiser we wish to do. Make sure you read the rules and the parliamentary laws that are involved in the club and if you have any questions my contact info is on the brochure. Also we will be making a phone tree not next week but the following that way everyone will be able to contact each other within the club with ease."
then christian told us all that the meeting is over, and we all are about to leave.

Parliamentary Procedures for the Computer Club

  • bringing a motion to the floor for a vote:
             -any member can bring a motion of an item to be voted on
             -motions must have a second
             -any item that has met the requirements above, will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting
               to be brought to a vote at that time.
             -each member will receive one vote; majority rules
             -in the event of a tie, each side will select one representative to present an argument on their behalf.
             -officers will then consider both arguments and the officers will make a tie-breaking vote.
             -in the event the officers vote results in a tie the motion must be tabled for no less than one month.
               At which time the motion would have to be offered as brand new starting the entire process over.
  • external requests of the computer club shall be handled as a motion that has been seconded

  • any member may speak about any questions or concerns provided they have:
          -sent a written request to the secretary one week prior to any meeting so it may be placed in the        
          -request permission during meeting to speak and are granted special permission from at least one

  • procedure and grounds for discontinuing membership to an individual
         -any member found to be using the computer club and or access it provides to commit illegal, immoral,
          (as viewed by the group) or is constantly negatively disruptive to the group meets the grounds for
          dismissal from the club.
                *the procedure to dismiss a member will follow the same steps as any item being brought to a
                  vote. With one exception:
                     ~Instead of a simple majority rules there must be a two thirds majority
                        met to dismiss any member.

Election duties

If you want to run for election here are the positions you can run for and their duties.

-The president runs the club
-determines what kind of fundraisers the club will do
-establishes when and where the meetings will take place
-can make decisions on whether or not someone should be punished and how they can be punished if that said person breaks one of the club rules.
-has the power to instruct what the club members will do which part
Vice President
-does any actions that the president needs help with
-any task that the president does not wish to do or does not have time for the vice president will complete.
-the treasurer keeps track of who has paid their fee to enter the club
-they set up payment plans if a person can't pay the whole payment in full
-makes sure all the money from the fundraiser stays in a safe place
-keeps a record of all the money earned from the fundraisers
-writes down everything that happens in a meeting
-keeps a log of all the goals that are made and set in a meeting and their due dates
-sets the weekly agenda
*for more see parliamentary procedures

Link to sign in for the club

if you would like to join computer club click on the link below and sign in using the spreadsheet and fill out all the blanks. I filled out the first one so you know what to do.

Come join the club! Check out my brochure!